255 research outputs found

    The Need for Autonomy and Real-Time in Mobile Robotics: A Case Study of XO/2 and Pygmalion

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    Starting from a user point of view the paper discusses the requirements of a development environment (operating system and programming language) for mechatronic systems, especially mobile robots. We argue that user requirements from research, education, ergonomics and applications impose a certain functionality on the embedded operating system and programming language, and that a deadline-driven real-time operating system helps to fulfil these requirements. A case study of the operating system XO/2, its programming language Oberon-2 and the mobile robot Pygmalion is presented. XO/2 explicitly addresses issues like scalabilty, safety and abstraction, previously found to be relevant for many user scenarios

    "May You Have a Strong (-Typed) Foundation", Why Strong-Typed Programming Languages Do Matter

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    Programming efficient and reliable code can be considered a non-trivial task, as it requires deep understanding of the problem to be solved along with good programming skills. However, software frameworks and programming paradigms can provide a dependable infrastructure upon which better programs can be written and deployed. This allows engineers to focus mainly on their task, while relying on the underlying run-time environment for taking care of low-level programming issues, such as memory allocation and disposal, typing consistency and interface compliance. In this paper, we argue that strong-typed programming languages and paradigms offer a valid support for the production of reliable programs. Aware of the challenges of formal measurement metrics for code quality, we present the benefits of strong-typing by considering a practical application: The design and implementation of RoboX, a tour-guide robot for the Swiss National Exhibition Expo.02. The example is extremely well suited for such a discussion, since complex mechatronic applications can be considered critical systemsi.e. systems whose failure may endanger missions, lives and societythus their reliability has to be made a prime concern

    A Complex Mechatronic System: from Design to Application

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    Progress in mobile robotics requires the researchers to access and improve all modules that compose the robot, from low-level mechanical components to high-level reasoning systems. This paper presents the development process of the robots built at the Autonomous Systems Lab, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland. Starting from the mechanical and electrical design up to the application, we show the challenges that needed to be faced as well as the solutions that have been devised. The description covers aspects like the operating system and framework, because of its role in the overall safety and dependability of the whole software system, the research as a precondition for innovative products, and the man-machine interface, which is indispensable for conveying information to the user as well as allowing the user to interact with the robot. The issues that have been faced stem from the hierarchical, layered construction of a complex mechatronic product, where the operation of the machine depends on the smooth cooperation of each layer; In the same way, the overall safety is undermined by the least reliable piece building the system

    Molecular surveillance of Plasmodium vivax dhfr and dhps mutations in isolates from Afghanistan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Analysis of dihydrofolate reductase (<it>dhfr</it>) and dihydropteroate synthase (<it>dhps</it>) mutations in <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>wild isolates has been considered to be a valuable molecular approach for mapping resistance to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). The present study investigates the frequency of SNPs-haplotypes in the <it>dhfr </it>and <it>dhps </it>genes in <it>P. vivax </it>clinical isolates circulating in two malaria endemic areas in Afghanistan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>P. vivax </it>clinical isolates (n = 171) were collected in two different malaria endemic regions in north-west (Herat) and east (Nangarhar) Afghanistan in 2008. All collected isolates were analysed for SNP-haplotypes at positions 13, 33, 57, 58, 61, 117 and 173 of the <it>pvdhfr </it>and 383 and 553 of the <it>pvdhps </it>genes using PCR-RFLP methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All 171 examined isolates were found to carry wild-type amino acids at positions 13, 33, 57, 61 and 173, while 58R and 117N mutations were detected among 4.1% and 12.3% of Afghan isolates, respectively. Based on the size polymorphism of <it>pvdhfr </it>genes at repeat region, type B was the most prevalent variant among Herat (86%) and Nangarhar (88.4%) isolates. Mixed genotype infections (type A/B and A/B/C) were detected in only 2.3% (2/86) of Herat and 1.2% (1/86) of Nangarhar isolates, respectively. The combination of <it>pvdhfr </it>and <it>pvdhps </it>haplotypes among all 171 samples demonstrated six distinct haplotypes. The two most prevalent haplotypes among all examined samples were wild-type (86%) and single mutant haplotype I<sub>13</sub>P<sub>33</sub>F<sub>57</sub>S<sub>58</sub>T<sub>61</sub><b>N </b><sub>117</sub>I<sub>173/</sub>A<sub>383</sub>A<sub>553 </sub>(6.4%).</p> <p>Double (I<sub>13</sub>P<sub>33</sub>S<sub>57</sub><b>R</b><sub>58</sub>T<sub>61</sub><b>N</b><sub>117</sub>I<sub>173</sub>/A<sub>383</sub>A<sub>553</sub>) and triple mutant haplotypes (I<sub>13</sub>P<sub>33</sub>S<sub>57</sub><b>R </b><sub>58</sub>T<sub>61</sub><b>N</b><sub>117</sub>I<sub>173</sub>/<b>G</b><sub>383</sub>A<sub>553</sub>) were found in 1.7% and 1.2% of Afghan isolates, respectively. This triple mutant haplotype was only detected in isolates from Herat, but in none of the Nangarhar isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study shows a limited polymorphism in <it>pvdhfr </it>from Afghan isolates and provides important basic information to establish an epidemiological map of drug-resistant vivax malaria, and updating guidelines for anti-malarial policy in Afghanistan. The continuous usage of SP as first-line anti-malarial drug in Afghanistan might increase the risk of mutations in the <it>dhfr </it>and <it>dhps </it>genes in both <it>P. vivax </it>and <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>isolates, which may lead to a complete SP resistance in the near future in this region. Therefore, continuous surveillance of <it>P. vivax </it>and <it>P. falciparum </it>molecular markers are needed to monitor the development of resistance to SP in the region.</p

    Mitochondrial cardiomyopathies: how to identify candidate pathogenic mutations by mitochondrial DNA sequencing, MITOMASTER and phylogeny

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    Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations leading to mitochondrial dysfunction can cause cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Owing to a high mutation rate, mtDNA defects may occur at any nucleotide in its 16 569 bp sequence. Complete mtDNA sequencing may detect pathogenic mutations, which can be difficult to interpret because of normal ethnic/geographic-associated haplogroup variation. Our goal is to show how to identify candidate mtDNA mutations by sorting out polymorphisms using readily available online tools. The purpose of this approach is to help investigators in prioritizing mtDNA variants for functional analysis to establish pathogenicity. We analyzed complete mtDNA sequences from 29 Italian patients with mitochondrial cardiomyopathy or suspected disease. Using MITOMASTER and PhyloTree, we characterized 593 substitution variants by haplogroup and allele frequencies to identify all novel, non-haplogroup-associated variants. MITOMASTER permitted determination of each variant's location, amino acid change and evolutionary conservation. We found that 98% of variants were common or rare, haplogroup-associated variants, and thus unlikely to be primary cause in 80% of cases. Six variants were novel, non-haplogroup variants and thus possible contributors to disease etiology. Two with the greatest pathogenic potential were heteroplasmic, nonsynonymous variants: m.15132T>C in MT-CYB for a patient with hypertrophic dilated cardiomyopathy and m.6570G>T in MT-CO1 for a patient with myopathy. In summary, we have used our automated information system, MITOMASTER, to make a preliminary distinction between normal mtDNA variation and pathogenic mutations in patient samples; this fast and easy approach allowed us to select the variants for traditional analysis to establish pathogenicity

    Analysis of the dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase gene sequences in Plasmodium vivax field isolates that failed chloroquine treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To use pyrimethamine as an alternative anti-malarial drug for chloroquine-resistant malaria parasites, it was necessary to determine the enzyme's genetic variation in dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate syntase (DHFR-TS) among Korean strains.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Genetic variation of <it>dhfr-ts </it>genes of <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>clinical isolates from patients who did not respond to drug treatment (<it>n </it>= 11) in Korea were analysed. The genes were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with genomic DNA as a template.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequence analysis showed that the open reading frame (ORF) of 1,857 nucleotides encoded a deduced protein of 618 amino acids (aa). Alignment with the DHFR-TS genes of other malaria parasites showed that a 231-residue DHFR domain and a 286-residue TS domain were seperated by a 101-aa linker region. This ORF shows 98.7% homology with the <it>P. vivax </it>Sal I strain (XM001615032) in the DHFR domain, 100% in the linker region and 99% in the TS domain. Comparison of the DHFR sequences from pyrimethamine-sensitive and pyrimethamine-resistant <it>P. vivax </it>isolates revealed that nine isolates belonged to the sensitive strain, whereas two isolates met the criteria for resistance. In these two isolates, the amino acid at position 117 is changed from serine to asparagine (S117N). Additionally, all Korean isolates showed a deletion mutant of THGGDN in short tandem repetitive sequences between 88 and 106 amino acid.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that sequence variations in the DHFR-TS represent the prevalence of antifolate-resistant <it>P. vivax </it>in Korea. Two of 11 isolates have the Ser to Asn mutation in codon 117, which is the major determinant of pyrimethamine resistance in <it>P. vivax</it>. Therefore, the introduction of pyrimethamine for the treatment of chloroquine-resistant vivax malaria as alternative drug in Korea should be seriously considered.</p

    FMR1 premutation and full mutation molecular mechanisms related to autism

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by an expanded CGG repeat (>200 repeats) in the 5′ un-translated portion of the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) leading to a deficiency or absence of the FMR1 protein (FMRP). FMRP is an RNA-binding protein that regulates the translation of a number of other genes that are important for synaptic development and plasticity. Furthermore, many of these genes, when mutated, have been linked to autism in the general population, which may explain the high comorbidity that exists between FXS and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Additionally, premutation repeat expansions (55 to 200 CGG repeats) may also give rise to ASD through a different molecular mechanism that involves a direct toxic effect of FMR1 mRNA. It is believed that RNA toxicity underlies much of the premutation-related involvement, including developmental concerns like autism, as well as neurodegenerative issues with aging such as the fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). RNA toxicity can also lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which is common in older premutation carriers both with and without FXTAS. Many of the problems with cellular dysregulation in both premutation and full mutation neurons also parallel the cellular abnormalities that have been documented in idiopathic autism. Research regarding dysregulation of neurotransmitter systems caused by the lack of FMRP in FXS, including metabotropic glutamate receptor 1/5 (mGluR1/5) pathway and GABA pathways, has led to new targeted treatments for FXS. Preliminary evidence suggests that these new targeted treatments will also be beneficial in non-fragile X forms of autism